Kadanzer Weyr is a shared-universe writing group set in the Tenth Pass of an alternate version of the world of Pern, as created by Anne McCaffrey in her "Dragonriders of Pern®" books. It is a creative environment in which Pern fans may write stories or create artwork set within an established continuity, using characters of their own creation, or where they may simply enjoy the work of others as a reader.
Kadanzer Weyr was founded and approved in 1994 as a printed fanzine group, with stories and artwork being distributed on paper. Although we have long since moved to an electronic format, we still strongly hold to the methods of the old-school fanzine fandom, with our contributors having their work edited for continuity and logic by our review team. If you're looking for a creative challenge with a Pernese flavor, or if you are just looking to find and enjoy stories and art set in an interpretation of Pern with rules justified by logic -- but still allowing plenty of room to maneuver -- then look no further!
Random art - click to enlarge!
The Science of Flight: Diagram 1
Amanda Kear
Kadanzer Weyr is on hiatus as of May 2013 and we are not taking on new members while we discuss what to do in the future. Meanwhile, existing members may still log in, and our public stories and art will continue to be available.
Kadanzer Weyr is a non-profit group -- all materials pertaining to Ms. McCaffrey's works displayed on this website may only be accessed for personal, non-commercial purposes. All references to worlds and characters based on Anne McCaffrey's fiction are copyright© Anne McCaffrey 1967, 2005, all rights reserved, and used by permission of the author. The Dragonriders of Pern® is registered U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, by Anne McCaffrey, used here with permission. Use or reproduction without a license is strictly prohibited.
Visit Anne McCaffrey's Site!
Updated: 08 Oct 2012
10/8/12: New art posted! New artwork has been posted from Amanda, Kyna & Stacy! |
9/6/12: New art posted! New art from JenBro & Holly has been posted! |
7/29/12: New fic posted! New stories have been posted from Amanda, Leia & Smitty! |
7/29/12: New art posted New art from Holly has been posted today! |
7/2/12: Winner of the 2012 2nd Quarter Comments Contest! Kati is the winner of our 2012 2nd Quarter Comments Contest, and will be receiving a custom-written fic as her prize! |